
Livres 3329 - 3380 / 4443

3601 - 900 Jahre Nürnberg - 600 Jahre Nürnberger Uhren - LUNARDI Heinrich

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CHF 20.00


3600 Metall Prüfungsbuch

Frage - Antwort - Erklärung - 6. Auflage.

267 pages, Edition : 1954
Langue : allemand

CHF 15.00

3599 - In Sachen Peter Henlein - ABELER Jürgen

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CHF 20.00


3595 Taschenuhren 1550-1850

Mit 16 Bildtafeln - Text auch in Französich und Englisch.

66 pages, Edition : 1975
Langue : allemand

CHF 12.00


3590 Rapport sur les concours de réglage de chronomètres de l'année 1894

Suivi d'un supplément à la publication: Le service chronométrique à l'Observatoire de Genève. Brochure.

28 pages
Langue : français

CHF 20.00

3586 - L'orologio svizzero attraverso i secoli - CHAMBRE SUISSE DE L’HORLOGERIE

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CHF 10.00


3585 Clock & Watchmaking Today

Exhibition from May 7th-June 23rd 1985.

35 pages, Edition : 1985
Langue : anglais

CHF 10.00


3566 150 Years of Electric Horology

With references to the Exhibit at the 1992 NAWCC National Convention, Chicago, IL July 1-4.

101 pages, Edition : 1992
Langue : anglais

CHF 40.00

3565 - La mesure du temps - GRANIER Jean

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CHF 15.00

3560 - Paul Philip Barraud - JAGGER Cedric

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CHF 200.00

3559 - Europäische Pendeluhren - HEUER Peter/KLAUS Maurice

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CHF 135.00

3558 - Horology in Provincial and Rural Museums - AKED CHS/STEVENS J.

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CHF 20.00


3556 - Etui comprenant 18 photos - BEYER A. & T.

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CHF 15.00

3555 - L'art de l'horlogerie en France du XVIe au XXe siècle - ANTIQUORUM

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CHF 100.00

3553 - L'année horlogère suisse 1994 - ANNUEL - MAGAZINE DES MONTRES

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CHF 25.00

ZUPKO Ronald Edward

3552 British Weights Measures

A history from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century.

248 pages, Edition : 1977
Langue : anglais

CHF 35.00

3551 - Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert - DIDEROT/D’ALEMBERT

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CHF 50.00

MICHAL Stanislav

3549 Clocks and Watches

A catalogue of clocks and watches - 16th to 20th Century in the collections of National Technical Museum Prague.

271 pages, Edition : 1974
Langue : anglais

CHF 40.00


3547 La pendule de Paris, son évolution décorative

Avec 176 gravures, belle reliure simili-cuir, en bon état.

190 pages, Edition : 1921
Langue : français

CHF 250.00

3546 - Collection de documents sur l'histoire de l'horlogerie - COLLECTIF

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CHF 950.00

3545 - The Tompion Clocks at Greenwich and the Dead Beat Escapement - HOWSE/HUTSCHINSON

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CHF 25.00

3538 - La méridienne de la Basilique de San Petronio/Bologna - PALTRINIERI Giovanni

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CHF 15.00

WENN Leslie

3533 Restoring Antique Furniture

This book passes on the principles distilled from more than half a century of workshop practice. It goes step by step through the processes, showing tools, skills and hints which are necessary for the craftsman intending to take up a most rewarding profession. And for the novice in antique furniture restoration, the correct guidance is here, from the first examination of a piece to the final polishing.

96 pages, Edition : 1974
Langue : anglais

CHF 10.00

3532 - Franse Lantaarn Klokken - BOLLEN Ton

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CHF 50.00


3531 University of Oxford, Museum of the History of Science

Catalogue 2 - Watches.

91 pages, Edition : 1973
Langue : anglais

CHF 30.00

3527 - English Lantern Clocks - HANA W.F.J.

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CHF 35.00

3526 - The Art of British Horology - ANTIQUORUM

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CHF 100.00


3525 Skeleton Clocks

First book on Skeleton clocks - first edition. Many illustrations. Hardcover with dustjacket.

154 pages, Edition : 1969
Langue : anglais

CHF 40.00

3524 - An Exhibition of Precision Pendulum Clocks - ROBERTS Derek

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CHF 60.00

3523 - Clocks catalogue - ROBERTS Derek

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CHF 60.00

3521 - Clocks and their Value - DE CARLE Donald

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CHF 25.00

AKED Charles K.

3514 Electricity, Magnetism and Clocks

Small brochure - Reprinted from Antiquarian Horology.

17 pages, Edition : 1971
Langue : anglais

CHF 30.00

ROSE Ronald E.

3513 English Dial Clocks

This was the first book devoted to the dial clocks. The dial clock made its first appearance in the 1720s in the form of a simple round faced, black painted, spring driven clock. In contrast the cartel clock, with a highly carved and decorated case, was taken from the French design but made only a brief impression on high fashion. A more successful form was the imposing tavern clock which evolved through several very attractive forms, all of which are now much sought after.

198 pages, Edition : 1978
Langue : anglais

CHF 50.00


3512 Microscopes from the Frank Collection 1800-1860

Illustrating the development of the achromatic instrument.

64 pages, Edition : 1979
Langue : anglais

CHF 30.00

3504 - How to Gold Leaf Antiques & other Art Objects - CHAMBERS Donald L.

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CHF 35.00


3503 The Orpheus Clocks

This book is about a group of superb sixteenth-century table clocks, the gilt cases of which all have a cast representation of Orpheus charming the animals. In total nine clocks of this type were traced in various public and private collections.

164 pages, Edition : 1972
Langue : anglais

CHF 60.00


3498 Good Owners's Clock Guide and Clock Logbook

Edition : 1999
Langue : anglais

CHF 30.00

3496 - Die Comtoise Uhr - SCHMITT Gustav

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CHF 50.00

3495 - European Clocks - TYLER E.J.

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CHF 45.00


3490 The Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art

Treatment, Repair and Restoration.

394 pages, Edition : 1974
Langue : anglais

CHF 45.00

WRIGHT Lawrence

3489 Clockwork Man.

From the author's preface : The plan of the book is to take a series of arbitrary periods and to ask, in respect if each these questions : - What were the current popular concepts of the nature of time, of history and prehistory, of the earthly future, of after-life as affecting present action, and of man's place in time and eternity. - how was the individual life-span divides, by secular or religious custom. - What progress had been made in the branches of astronomy, mathematics and navigation that related to time-measurement No abstract concepts of time will be explored here ! A book to read on the beach or sitting next to the fireplace ! No dust jaquet.

260 pages, Edition : 1968
Langue : anglais, Format : 15.8 x 24.8 cm

CHF 40.00

MOXON Joseph

3485 Mechanick Exercices or the doctrine of Handy-Works

To which is added Mechanick Dyalling: Shewing how to draw a true Sun-Dyal on any given Plane, however Scituated; only with the help of a straight Ruler and a pair of Compasses, and without any Arithmetical Calculation.

With an Introduction, Table of Contents, and Captions explaining the 26 plates.

This edition marks the first reprinting of this title since 1703.

352 pages, Edition : 1970
Langue : anglais

CHF 70.00

3484 - Country Clocks and their London origins - LOOMES Brian

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CHF 25.00


3480 Inside the Antique Trade

Some of the Chapters:
1. History of the Antique Trade
2. Dealers and Collectors
3. Tinkers and Knockers
4. Tricks of the Trade
5. Glossary of Antique Trade Jargon

199 pages, Edition : 1974
Langue : anglais

CHF 20.00

3478 - Complete List of English Horological Patents up to 1853 - AKED Charles K.

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CHF 25.00

3477 - Antique Barometers - BANFIELD Edwin

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CHF 35.00


3476 The Watch of the Future

The story of the Hamilton Electric Watch.
Second revised and expanded edition.

182 pages, Edition : 1999
Langue : anglais

CHF 46.00

3472 - Gustav Becker Story - BECKER Gustav

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CHF 30.00


3471 Black Forest Clockmaker and the Cuckoo Clock

Soft cover.

242 pages, Edition : 1991
Langue : anglais

CHF 35.00


3468 Clocks in the British Museum

58 black and white photos Hard and soft cover. Please write your choice in the "Notes".

55 pages, Edition : 1968
Langue : anglais

CHF 25.00


3467 The White Dial Clock

172 pages, Edition : 1974
Langue : anglais

CHF 40.00

3466 - Clock and Watch Repairing - DE CARLE Donald

Voir plus

CHF 35.00

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